NameCharles Foresman
Retirement/Discharge DateJune 1989
Tour 1 DatesJune 1981 - May 1985
Tour 1 Rank/RateSTG2
Tour 1 DivisionASW
NATO Mixed Manned CrewNo
CommentIt really is such a pleasure to connect with a lot of my former shipmates this way. I've looked at lot of your Facebook pages and so forth, only to marvel at how many different paths our lives took after the service. I always look back at the chapter of life which had us all together on the old Cluade V. and remember the good and bad times. I got into a good old fashioned union job in the retail food business which I still loving working in today. Even though I stayed in a simpler work place environment, at home, I`d much rather be a full time student. I carry the same level of respect and admiration for each and everyone of you the same as I did when our lives all depended on each other in serving our country. Let Freedom Ring!!!!
The Crews of DDG-5
USS Biddle (5/5/62 - 7/28/64)
USS Claude V. Ricketts (7/28/64 - 10/31/89)

Below are the names of the men that, together, made up the crews of the USS Biddle and USS Claude V. Ricketts during her 27 year career.  The names below represent those who have registered on this site and do no comprise the whole of the men who served on board the DDG-5 during her career.  It is estimated that at least 4000 men served on board the DDG-5 during her lifetime.  If you were a crew member of either the Biddle or the Ricketts and you have not yet done so, you can register here.
(To edit your information or to email another shipmate, make sure you are logged in on The Big Nickel home page. Return here and click on your name to edit your informaiton or on the name of another shipmate to email him.  Note that some shipmate's email addresses are missing or not current and the email will "bounce" back to you with an indication that it was undeliverable.)