Name | Kirk VJ Neuman |
Retirement/Discharge Date | Apr 1970 |
Tour 1 Dates | July 1964 - March 1968 |
Tour 1 Rank/Rate | RD2 |
Tour 1 Division | 1st, OI |
NATO Mixed Manned Crew | Yes |
Country | US |
Comment | Had a great time while on board. Was in 1st division during the MMD and then moved to OI division where I worked up to RD2 before transferring to Rosemount, Minnesota (Naval Astronautics Group, Detachment Bravo) where I served out my final 2 years before getting my discharge in April, 1970. I stood more watch hours during my 2 years at NAG Det B then I did during my entire 4 years on board the CVR. |