Crew Family Members Who Have Gone Before Us
Mary Kay Comar, wife of FTM1 Donald R. Comar - 2001
Steven Dodgion, son of Carl Dodgion - 2006
Virginia Morgan, 1st wife of Will Morgan - November, 2002
Naomi Morgan, 2nd wife of Will Morgan - July, 2009
Dorothy Fox, wife of RM1 Allan Fox - 2007
Sandy Ivins, wife of EWC Robert Ivins - April 8, 1990 Sandy was involved with the wives club and the Hampton Roads Advisory Council for the CVR.
Willie Slack, son of Carl Slack - November 28, 2009
Kathleen Truchanowicz, wife of Edward Truchanowicz (BT3, 1965 - 1967) - December 18, 2006
Betty Jones, wife of Michael Jones (GMG1, 1965 - 1968) - March 1, 2013. You can view her obituary here.
Geraldine Rosetta (Ritenour) Click, mother of Rodney Click (FTGC, 1983 - 1985) - April 3, 2015. You may view her obituary here.
James B. Ricketts, son of Admiral Claude V. Ricketts - March 23, 2016. You can view his obituary here and here.
Judith Ann Dawson Richley, wife of OSC William Jackson Richley (1984 - 1987) - May 29, 2016. You can view her obituary here.
Leah Ray Mueske, wife of BMC Stanley D. Mueske (1980 - 1981) - August 15, 2019. You can veiw her obituary here.
Mary Lucille York, wife of Captain Thomas Andrew York (Apr 7 1978 - Jun 19 1980) - March 25, 2020. You can view her obituary here. Note that Captain York passed away on July 10, 2020.
Patricia (Pat) A. Woebkenberg, wife of FTM2 Tom Woebkenberg (Oct 63 - Nov 65) - September 1, 2020. You can view her obituary here.
Christa Zapp, wife of FTM2 Wolf Dieter Zapp (FGN July 64 - Dec 65) - April, 2022.
Richard Belsky (USN 1959 - 1962) September 14, 2022, Uncle of John Cubells.
Beverly Slack, wife of FTM1 Carl Slack (Executive Directory of the DDG-5 Crew Members Association from 2009 to 2015) - January 19, 2023.

I try to keep this list updated at all times. If you know of a fellow shipmate that has passed away and is not on the list, please contact us about it so we can get their name on the honor roll. Also, if there are misspellings let me know.