Select which method you would like to pay for your reunion registration, personal check or PayPal.  You have the option when paying by personal check of printing the form and filling it out manually or filling it out online and then printing it. 
If you have problems opening or filling out the PDF forms using your browser, you may download the following ZIP file, which contains all 3 forms, extract, and open your form from your desktop: 2016 Reunion Registration

When using the PayPal form, fill out the form, save it, send a copy to Captain.Kirk@TheBigNickel.Navy then select the Pay with PayPal button below the PayPal form button.  Using PayPal will require an additional fee to cover PayPal processing costs. 

All forms provide for a pre-deposit with payment of the balance due at reunion check-in.  Note that we do not take credit cards so you will have to make your balance payment with check or cash.