This is a survey to provide the Reunion Committee with an estimate of how many people will be attending the 2026 Reunion in (location TBD), (dates TBD).  If you wish to change something after submitting the form, please contact me with your changes and I'll implement them.

Filling out this survey
DOES NOT MEAN you are registering for the reunion.

** Required input

I will be attending the 2026 reunion,
Dates TBD in
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Not sure yet

** Your name: First: Last:
** Email address:
** Phone number:
** Years on board (i.e., 64 - 68):
** Highest rank/rate:

Will your spouse/significant other be attending?
First: Last:

Any other guests attending?

** Total attending (including yourself):
Planned arrival date:

Will you be staying at the "official" reunion hotel,
(hotel TBD)?
No, a different hotel
No, local to area

Are you interested in going on a tour?: Yes
If yes or maybe, number on tour (including yourself):

Will you be attending the Crew Meeting? Yes

Will you be attending the pizza party? Yes
If yes, number attending (including yourself):

Will you be attending the reception? Yes
If yes, number attending (including yourself):

Will you be attending dinner? Yes
If yes, number attending (including yourself):

You have 250 characters remaining for your description...